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James Lee
- 5 December 2022

Keeping meter readings simple

Commercial utility meter1

Meter readings are needed to track the usage of energy and to ensure that you, the consumer, are being billed correctly. In this blog we look at how Crown Gas & Power makes meter readings as hassle free as possible.


Submitting your reading

Reading your meter shouldn’t be a chore. At Crown Gas & Power, we have put together five options when it comes to submitting your reading – so you can choose what works best for you and what’s quickest for your circumstances.


You can submit a meter reading by:

On top of these five options, we offer free installations on Automated Meter Readers (AMR). This is a device that will automatically send Crown Gas & Power your gas reading when it is due, which can then be used for billing – taking the responsibility away from you.


When to send in your meter reading

You need to send in a meter reading every month. Your meter reads are to be submitted within the last three working days of each calendar month, which is highly recommended to ensure that your bills are accurate.

This is where having an AMR installed can benefit your company. Automatic and accurate readings can be used to generate your monthly bill.


Need a reminder?

The extra security of being reminded that your monthly meter reading is due is peace of mind for anyone.

If you do not have an AMR, you can enrol on our meter reading reminder list that will notify you each month to send through your meter readings. All you need to sign up is your account number and contact address and you will receive the monthly reminders.