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Ashley Abell
- 17 May 2017

12 tips to help you improve cyber security

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What’s the need for increased business cyber security?

In the wake of the NHS cyber attacks in May 2017, the majority of companies and organisations across the UK have been and are now on high alert for cyber security breaches and the potential weaknesses in computer systems.
We’ve reviewed Symantec’s latest report on cyber attacks and discovered that 2016 saw a rise in cyber attacks such as multi million virtual bank heists and attacking electoral processes. The majority of cyber attackers will rely on the most simplistic of measures to capture their prey, from the use of “spear phishing emails” and tools a that are relatively normal to the common office worker.
Most recently the news has discussed breaches of cyber security in the NHS, causing a number of centres and hospitals to slow their services. Subsequently, before this, cyber espionage appeared to be high on the hacking agenda, with the USA Democratic Party under threat during the election process and the endless discussions between the Russian and American governments regarding the results of the latest election campaign.
Across the Stock markets since the “ransomeware attack” on the NHS and businesses around the world, shares have risen. There’s a serious need for cyber security in UK businesses and organisations; you’ll notice that Sophos, NCC Group & ESCS have seen a share surge since the latest cyber attacks.

Three year change in cyber security breaches

Small businesses have become a major target for computer hackers and according to a report from the USA’s National Cyber Security Alliance, 60% of small businesses cannot afford to sustain their business after a cyber attack. Therefore, in this post we’ll put forward, 12 really simple small business cyber security tips — tightening your belt.

12 tips to help your employees with cyber security

  1. Ensure you manage passwords properly. Don’t use the same password twice, if you run multiple email accounts, change your passwords. Most importantly, set your team monthly reminders to change their server passwords.
  2. Keep everything backed up on at least 2 additional devices/servers
  3. Don’t share your password with anyone. You may seem paranoid, but lack of common sense is a major issue with cyber security.
  4. Lock all devices when they’re unattended. When you go for lunch; don’t leave your screen on. You never know who’s visiting your premises. Don’t even let your boss online!
  5. Lock up any external drives. Make sure they’re heavily encrypted and not left unattended.
  6. Don’t fall for email phishing scams. If you get an email from unfamiliar bank accounts when your role isn’t accounts related. Don’t click, open or reply. Double check the URLs & send them across to your IT team. Test your knowledge with this email Phishing Quiz from Cisco.
  7. Malware can spread from anywhere, from emails to physical devices, flash drives and your Smartphone — keep a therm eye out.
  8. If you’re not familiar with your surroundings. Don’t log into online banking or make any purchases. It’s not worth it. Public computers are a hotspot for hackers. If you’re a coffee shop worker, don’t use free Wi-Fi for sensitive browsing either.
  9. Watch what you’re sharing on social networks. Strange friend requests. No mutual friends and no pictures — avoid like the plague.
  10. If someone calls or emails you asking for sensitive information. Make sure you verify credentials. 10/10 Make sure you say no.
  11. Check your friends & colleagues accounts. Have you noticed a suspicious email? Report it, make sure your cyber security team know about.
  12. It can happen to anyone. Never say “it won’t happen to me.”